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loved it, well most of it. I saw a lot of poor reviews so I went in skeptical. In the end though, I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of funny parts, and cool stuff exploding. It got corny at times.

optimus prime is a badass.the only sad touching part was when he died at first, but i figured they bring him back

the story got cornyat the end. I hate that destiny bs, I don't believe it and it's ridiculous to me when movies bring it up. it's the only thing i hated about the movie

effects were great

THERE WAS A RAILGUN, and it rocked

i didn't get bored and being longer than 2 hours, that could of been very awful if it did start getting lame

the story was a bit jumbled at times, but it was kinda clear at end.


one question, what happened to the twins? they were messing the big thing up then they were gone


Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 29, 2009

Anyone else hoping the Dinobots (or at least Grimlock)  will appear in the next movie?

on Jun 29, 2009

If I knew what the Dinobots were, I might be able to say WHY I wanted to see them in the movie, but as it is, I am just going to have to give you a general "yes".

on Jun 29, 2009

This link pretty much sums up my concerns with the movie, after I've gotten over the really nice special effects.

on Jun 29, 2009

If only the guy who wrote it actually tried to follow the story and the movies, he wouldn't look like such an idiot

on Jun 29, 2009

This link pretty much sums up my concerns with the movie, after I've gotten over the really nice special effects.

the guy who posted there was a DICKHEAD!

seriously, he had to exagerate, confuse, bemuddle and flat out lie to make his point

im not saying he is completely wrong, there were many things in the movie that were stupid or didnt have to happen, but to have to make shit up to prove a point?

if you share his views... i feel sorry for the amount of hatred and anger you must have in you

on Jun 29, 2009

If only the guy who wrote it actually tried to follow the story and the movies, he wouldn't look like such an idiot

i absolutely agree

on Jun 29, 2009

If you ignore the sarcasm and ridicule in that FAQ, wouldn't you agree that there are large gaps in consistency in the movie?

The show delivered exactly what Michael Bay wanted to: less talk, more action and I watched it knowing full well what to expect, but still couldn't help rolling eyes at the many instances where it looks like things were set up in a certain way just to give the show more room to show off more explosions and special effects. The suspension of disbelief has to be set pretty high to watch it and I'm not talking about realism, it's the unexplained inconsistencies within the universe protrayed.

The OP asked: Did you like it? My answer is that I thoroughly liked the quality of the CGI, but thought the movie is little anything else.

on Jun 29, 2009

I read the "review" by the guy who has anger issues, and in the comments, I found this rebuttle, which you can file under "PWNED!" Note: the qoutes from the "review" are marked with an arrow.

>I have no  clue. It's impossible to tell most of them apart except for Optimus and the Racist Twins (there's another yellow Autobot who I constantly thought was Bumblebee). There could be 46, or there could be 12. I honestly would believe 12 if someone had said that.

Either blind or inept. Also, there is no other yellow Autobot.

>The Autobots have joined the military to hunt down the Decepticons. We're told the Decepticons are "doing things," but they appear to be hiding peacefully when the Autobots show up and brutally murder them.

Its called pre-emptive strikes. Decepticons are clearly mobilizing for a reason

>But the Allspark killed Megatron in the first movie.
>...and now it can also bring him back to life.
>It's very powerful, this Allspark.

The allspark overloaded Megatron. The shard brough him back online. This is Transformers 101

>Shouldn't they have sent Starscream or somebody?

Because Starscream would totally just fit right in the surroundings

>Didn't Sam touch the shard and get the symbols stuck in his head on his first day of college?

No, the symbols were in his head since the end of the first movie. The fallen actually explained this

>Well, if one shard brought Megatron back to life, can't Sam just use his shard piece to resurrect Optimus?
>Yes. He could.

No. Optimus is 100% dead. A shard would not bring him back to life.

>Ah! Remember the shard? Sam uses it to bring Jetfire back to life!

Jetfire wasn't dead.

>Transformers don't teleport.

Yes they do, they are called Seekers, and Jetfire is specifically called a seeker

>Yeah, for a little while. But then the Transformers in heaven send him back because he still has work to do.

This is what happened in the cartoon movie, except with Rodimus.

on Jun 29, 2009

Ooo I didn't know about the Seekers.

So a shard could bring an entire kitchen's worth of appliances to life but wouldn't revive one 100% dead large transformer. I didn't know that either. It looked like any piece of the Allspark can do just about anything to a transformer in any condition.

on Jun 29, 2009

so the only way to revive optimus was with that crazy key/energy?

on Jun 29, 2009

General Homsar

Either blind or inept. Also, there is no other yellow Autobot.

The anger issues guy probably got confused and thought one of the Constructicons was an Autobot. At least 3 of them are yellow.

on Jun 30, 2009

I really liked it, but I shouldn't have gone in with a skeptical attitude, as I probably didn't enjoy it as much I should have. I thought the first was a lttle bit better.

The violence is great. The first one sent shivers down my spine, though I got used to it by the end. The action in the first was better, in a way I can't explain, though. (Hate it when that happens). Parents were annoying as hell, and I found it really annoying how the Decepticons always spied and hacked into networks to find things.

I also think this one had more dramatic cliche's in it, such as the main characters dying and then coming back to life.

In the end, great film, will be buying it when it comes to DVD.

on Jun 30, 2009

I read the "review" by the guy who has anger issues, and in the comments, I found this rebuttle, which you can file under "PWNED!" Note: the qoutes from the "review" are marked with an arrow.

>I have no clue. It's impossible to tell most of them apart except for Optimus and the Racist Twins (there's another yellow Autobot who I constantly thought was Bumblebee). There could be 46, or there could be 12. I honestly would believe 12 if someone had said that.

Either blind or inept. Also, there is no other yellow Autobot.

Actually the guy who wrote this is also an idiot. Ratchet had a few scenes, and he's also yellow. But confusing Bumblebee with Ratchet is like confusing your best friend (Bumblebee pretty much got the most screen time in both movies, or at least as much as Optimus) with a random person of the same gender on the street.

If you ignore the sarcasm and ridicule in that FAQ, wouldn't you agree that there are large gaps in consistency in the movie?

No. The inconsistencies are created by people with bad memories and bad analytical skills, for example:

The allspark overloaded Megatron. The shard brough him back online. This is Transformers 101

So a shard could bring an entire kitchen's worth of appliances to life but wouldn't revive one 100% dead large transformer. I didn't know that either. It looked like any piece of the Allspark can do just about anything to a transformer in any condition.

Megatron was revived because they ripped apart another Decepticon and used his parts and spark to repair him. They wanted the shard because it had a map to the Tomb of the Primes which contained the key for the doomsday device, the two were completely unrelated. They didn't even have the shard at that time since the little RC Decepticon didn't manage to steal it from Mikaela.

You see this trick again at the end, where the "old" Decepticon gives Optimus his spark and parts - and you do actually see him pull out his spark, a glowing orb thing.

on Jun 30, 2009

Although one wonders why Optimus didn't KEEP Jetfire's parts..... they definately made him stronger, and Jetfire certainly wasn't going to want them back anytime soon..... although I suppose this could just be another incidence of my missing Transformers 101.

It does, however, make perfect sense to me that it would take much more "juice" to revive Optimus (who IS, after all, a Prime) than it would to revive a very powerful but essentially "common" bot like Megatron.

And no, I did not think the twins were racist. Stupid? Yes. Racist? No. In fact, they reminded me of the football jocks @ my school, all of whom are white. (I live in one of those "planned communities", and there is maybe one family of African descent in the entire place.)

on Jun 30, 2009

i dont think you are right at the end there annatar - they grabbed the spark to save megatron. if they didnt need spark why would they save him then, they could of saved him a very lnog time ago


also, they used the key to bring optimus back, i think jetfire just killed himself

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