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loved it, well most of it. I saw a lot of poor reviews so I went in skeptical. In the end though, I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of funny parts, and cool stuff exploding. It got corny at times.

optimus prime is a badass.the only sad touching part was when he died at first, but i figured they bring him back

the story got cornyat the end. I hate that destiny bs, I don't believe it and it's ridiculous to me when movies bring it up. it's the only thing i hated about the movie

effects were great

THERE WAS A RAILGUN, and it rocked

i didn't get bored and being longer than 2 hours, that could of been very awful if it did start getting lame

the story was a bit jumbled at times, but it was kinda clear at end.


one question, what happened to the twins? they were messing the big thing up then they were gone


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 28, 2009

Scout - when you're seeing a movie about giant, intelligent robots that transform into vehicles, you have to suspend your disbelief a little bit.  You can nit pick facts in virtually any movie, let alone a sci-fi one.

The fight scenes made this feel far more "epic" than the first, in which the Autobots don't show up until the movie is already half done!  This had tons of transformers fighting each other, in a very well choreographed manner.

I agree with everyone else that the sexual humor was completely uneccessary and very groan-worthy, and the parents felt tiresome.  Other than that, I was very pleasantly surprised with the movie.

on Jun 28, 2009

I thought it was horrible and ultra corny. Ofcourse I woulda rathered it been more of an epic well thought out story, as opposed to a silly action/comedy movie for teenagers. 

By the way, I am from Baton Rouge, Louisiana (in the US). We have a destroyer named the U.S.S. Kidd on giant cedar blocks right by the levee of the Mississipii river. I believe it's from World War 2. Were they referring to that same boat when they called in the rail gun strike????

on Jun 29, 2009

First of all that was a 100% SciFi-Action Movie. So who the fuck cares about realism or consistency? (But i must admit that the dissapearence of the 2 small kobod-like transformers was a little odd)

For the rest:

+++ Special Effects
++Some really good gags
+ Slow Motion secenes with Xegan Fox
+Some background info on the Decepticons
- Relationship blabla
-- Too less dialoge with the robots
---Those unneccesary annoying parents
----The chinese audience in the theatre that was running, takling and crawling like a burning ant nest.

If you never heard of transformers before the first movie, like me, and you like some action scifi its well spend money to go to the cinema(This is not a movie i would watch a home...).

on Jun 29, 2009

To help clarify what a railgun does for ya scout dog is simple.


Its two rails, one charged positive and one charged negative, you take a balisitic projectile and put it between the rails and it goes like a bat out of hell depending on the amount of energy is putting into the rails.


Right now the US navy is developing the technology to have very similar to what the movie displayed in terms of a railgun.  I cant remember what amount of power there looking at ut i know its enough to send a projectile at mach 14-18 with a huge range, like 500 miles i think in a matter of minutes.  The thing they dont show or tell you in the movie is that the destroyer probably used its only shot for the day since that design of destroyer isnt fully meant to handle the power requirements of the railgun, so it have to constantly run its engines to fill the capacitors.  The DDX project was intended to be the design platform in the future for the railgun tech, but the DDX has been scrapped after i think 2 ships have been built.  Right now there is talk of building a battleship size class of ship, not for armor or anything like that, but to hold alot of capacitors and nuclear turbines.


Right now there is one major flaw in the railgun, its the fact that the rails after the projectile fires through electromagnetic forces, bend outwards due to the friction caused by the rapid acceleration.  Also the reason why its not on aircraft is not due to recoil since there is little recoil in a railgun (no explosive forces), its because a fighter can't fit enough capacitors on it to power one.


The shell itself is not explosive it is just a metal shell, right now i beleive they are going for tungsen rods, the damage comes from the kinetic energy.  Remember it is:


Force = mass x velocity^2

on Jun 29, 2009

I wasn't terribly impressed with the movie. The special effects were great, however it just lacked soul; the death of Prime just didn't have enough impact for example, and the 'epic' feel of it was lost in between the inconsistant characters and pointless sub-plots. I'd love to be able to turn off my brain and enjoy the movie, however it's my brain that generates the enjoyment so I don't think is a fair requirement; I didn't turn my brain off for the first movie and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

on Jun 29, 2009

I absolutely loved it. Wasn't a fan of the first one.

But this was what I wanted from a transformers film, robots kicking the crap out of each other for 2hours.

And the soundtrack was excellent and gave some epic music to some scenes.

Megan fox was hot, but so was the blond human mode ofc

The only let down was when Shia got "killed" and Megan brought him back to life with the clichéd and over used "I love you" line..

on Jun 29, 2009

If it could destroy Devastator, it should more than exceed the structural limitations of the turret mount.

You think about this film waaaaaaay too much.

Speed alone is not what makes a weapon damaging, it is also acceleration and mass.

Devastator was destroyed becauase the shell was travelling so fast. The railgun itself is EXTREMELY heavy so that it has very little backwards exceleration. Equal momentum to the shell but it travels much slower. This is the recoil. Very likely, it would have destroyed Devastator without being destroyed itself.

The U.S Navy already has a railgun. Visit this site for more info:

on Jun 29, 2009

knock yourselves out, some really interesting info there

and btw, railguns have very little or no recoil. its basically a magnet pushing a heavy metal slug at very high speeds until it leaves the rails and then travels on its inertia.

usually you only get recoil with explosive forces (like a standard cannon today)

on Jun 29, 2009

Megan fox was hot, but so was the blond human mode ofc

the blonde one was Isabel Lucas, and shes Australian (Aussies FTW!! =P)

on Jun 29, 2009


Megan fox was hot, but so was the blond human mode ofc
the blonde one was Isabel Lucas, and shes Australian (Aussies FTW!! =P)

I'm sure i've seen her elsewhere before too. And yes, I know some damn attractive aussie chicks so i have to agree with you there

on Jun 29, 2009

I have a habit of ignoring a lot of the hired bodies, but the frmale andreoid's tail is a bit odd in that it appears to be attached UNDER her dress. This would make the dress seem to be "real", and not a part of the robot. Yet she transforms to robot form and back, and the dress is still intact. I realise that there are a lot of other easy-to-find descrepencies, but where's the fun in that?

on Jun 29, 2009

I loved the movie.

I didn't like the Twins, though. I find it amusing that it's creating an internet ruckus because people actually think Michael Bay stereotyped black people with it, but if anyone actually watches that movie it's pretty damn obvious that he's making fun of hillbillies/rednecks (just look at the teeth on the green one, seriously). And the accent/speech is a damn giveaway.

I didn't like them because.. they're supposed to be big powerful robots, not half witted clueless.. things.

Bumblebee was more awesome. Optimus was more awesome (loved the forest battle). I wish Ironhide got a bit more action shots, though, since he's got the big guns.

on Jun 29, 2009

Yeah, the Twins were a bit of a low point. Although it was interesting to see vehicles made of more than one robot..... and robots made of more than one vehicle.

on Jun 29, 2009

Would've been nice if Devastator was given more screen time. It seems rather odd to have this gigantic transformer whose only purpose is to suck in the top of the pyramid to expose the device

on Jun 29, 2009

Soundwave was AWSOME.

I personally think he was underused. He didn't have any action scenes and didn't do much beyond taking control of that satilite.

2. Didnt Bonecrusher (that military truck with what looked like a large 5 prong fork on a moving arm at the back) get destroyed in the first movie? I saw him for a few seconds during one of the Decepticon scenes...

I noticed that too, but I didn't think it was Bonecrusher, since the Transformers scanned the vehicles they transformed into. So maybe it was annother robot who just happened to choose that vehicle. Or it could have just been a screw-up on Micheal Bay's part.


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