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loved it, well most of it. I saw a lot of poor reviews so I went in skeptical. In the end though, I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of funny parts, and cool stuff exploding. It got corny at times.

optimus prime is a badass.the only sad touching part was when he died at first, but i figured they bring him back

the story got cornyat the end. I hate that destiny bs, I don't believe it and it's ridiculous to me when movies bring it up. it's the only thing i hated about the movie

effects were great

THERE WAS A RAILGUN, and it rocked

i didn't get bored and being longer than 2 hours, that could of been very awful if it did start getting lame

the story was a bit jumbled at times, but it was kinda clear at end.


one question, what happened to the twins? they were messing the big thing up then they were gone


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 28, 2009

I for one liked the oarents. They reminded me a lot of my own parents... only less crazy.

on Jun 28, 2009

why mount a railgun on a destroyer and not an aircraft?

Evidently, you know nothing of railgun physics. The recoil is tremedous. If you mounted it on a plane, your plane would either be ripped to shreds, or blasted out of the sky by the force of the recoil. That is why real railguns are mounted on destroyers, not to mention the fact that they are developed by the Navy....



on Jun 28, 2009


the portrayal of the typical jackass fucking beaurecrat the under-secretary of defense or whoever he was, again annoyed me, nothing personal against him, but beaurecrats always piss me off, in any film.

That was his only purpose: To be the annoying, stupid baurecratic nutjob who dosen't know anything, but still insists on calling the shots. That is why it was so satisfying to see him get thrown out of the plane....


i think there will be a third movie, who else thinks similar?


That is confrmed. Release date: 2011-2012. Possibly featruring Unicron.



on Jun 28, 2009

Loved it. Would have liked a little more dialouge from the robots, but that's just a small gadfly.

Favorite parts:

Devestator's arrival. My jaw hit the floor when I saw how FREAKING HUGE he was, and that shot inside his "mouth" when he was sucking up the sand was scary as hell.

Optimus fusing with Jetfire. Prime looked really heroic with that black armor, and it turned him into the biggest badass ever. When he tore The Fallen's face off, I almost cheered, but then remembered I'd probobly get kicked out of the theatre.

All things considered, a crazy thrill ride that's a blast to watch.

Possibly featruring Unicron








on Jun 28, 2009

 Movie was much better then the first. I like that the Decepticons got some lines. We really got to see Megatrons and Starcreams interaction this time. Soundwave was AWSOME.

 One thing that did bug me a bit is that Megatron seemed smaller this time. In the first movie he was a Titan compared to everyone, but this time he just seems only a little bigger then everyone else.

on Jun 28, 2009

I for one liked the parents. They reminded me a lot of my own parents... only less crazy.

i feel so sorry for you... personally, i wouldnt be able to function with parents as screwed up as them (result of how i was raised myself)


Quoting TheRezonator,
reply 15

the portrayal of the typical jackass fucking beaurecrat the under-secretary of defense or whoever he was, again annoyed me, nothing personal against him, but beaurecrats always piss me off, in any film.

That was his only purpose: To be the annoying, stupid baurecratic nutjob who dosen't know anything, but still insists on calling the shots. That is why it was so satisfying to see him get thrown out of the plane....

oh, i realise this, and i did enjoy seeing him fly out of the plane... personally i would have puhed him out of the plane first and yelled the instructions to him afterwards. i know its a plot device to add a small but nonetheless formidable complication into the story... but for gods sake hasnt the dickhead public servant idea been done to death? and if you answer that its a realistic part of life and therefore very likely to happen in any movie, well goddamn, its a sad life indeed, and maybe something needs to be changed? (lynch the beaurecrats?)

Quoting TheRezonator,
reply 15

i think there will be a third movie, who else thinks similar?


That is confrmed. Release date: 2011-2012. Possibly featruring Unicron.



Awesome... except they say the world is going to end in 2012... oh well, one more chance to see Megan Fox

One thing that did bug me a bit is that Megatron seemed smaller this time. In the first movie he was a Titan compared to everyone, but this time he just seems only a little bigger then everyone else.

yeah, i did wonder about that... i guess they realised that some of the bigger transformers just got too massive because they had to be bigger than megatron and he himself was already huge so...

and, correct me if im mistaken, but:

1. Didnt Megatron transform into a tank in the cartoon series? Much like Devastator from the first movie?

2. Didnt Bonecrusher (that military truck with what looked like a large 5 prong fork on a moving arm at the back) get destroyed in the first movie? I saw him for a few seconds during one of the Decepticon scenes...

on Jun 28, 2009

I just saw it, and while I thought it was OK, the first movie was definately superior:

  • - Not "epic" enough. The college humor in the middle of these oh-so-important battle scenes really broke the effect.
  • - Maybe it's just me, but I got put off by the right-wing bias that kept cropping up. Those people SCARE me! (And before the nuts come out, the left-wingers scare me, too.)
  • - I know that undersecretary something-or-other was supposed to be the bad guy, but I sort of felt sorry for him when he got yanked out of the plane by that psycho soldier dude.
  • - The sort of blatant sex-appeal they tried to pull drvies me nuts. Makes them seem desperate. (Plus, I for one thought that the girl [Mikeleah?] looked really creepy.... but maybe that was just my aspect ratio....)
  • - A few loose ends showed up in the form of Decepticons that were still active and around after the movie ended (that flat nanobot thingie springs immediately to mind).
  • - Another probelm: is Sam still going to be compelled to deaw those symbols all over everyone and everything?
  • - The "brainsnake" must have some sort of immaterial appendage: there is no connection between the sinuses and the barin tissue. To get inside, that bot would have HAD to break through tissue, which would give Sam one HECK of a nosebleed.
  • - These people should study their geography! A quick visit to Google Earth shows that Egypt does not border Jordan: there is a big chunk of Israel in the way! (And I find it odd that the US would call for Jordainian support: Israel is renowned for its military, and they like us better than Jordan does). Also, there are no pyramids anywhere NEAR the Gulf of Aqaba. Finally, the Great Pyramids of Giza (and I know it's them, as I saw the Sphinx) are some 224 miles away from the gulf (360 Km, for those of us in the rest of the world)
  • - That railgun was really messed up: it fires over several hundred miles, and still has the energy to bore through whatever Devastator is made of! I am assuming that that metal is more durable than the gun's support (if it wan't, conventional weapons would have done the job), and since every action has a equal and opposite reaction, the gun should ave been ripped off it's mount and hurled backward. (That's if it didn't just throw the whole ship back, and potentially over!)
  • - Nobody seemed to care that there might have been civillians still in the town when they blew it up.
  • - Starscream's EMP acts in a completely contrary manner to what physics dictates. According to Brad's EMP thread, a radio would probably not be affected, as it has no massive wire to build up a charge. (and aren't military gadgets hardened, anyway?)
  • - Why would Strascream pick up new body markings? They make him more obvious to the military (no more moment of hesitation as they wonder "is that friendly?), and we see from the last movie that he doesn't NEED them....
  • ++ The parents were HILARIOUS! They remind me of my parents....
  • ++ Some REALLY cool gadgetry in there! The ball-bearing nanobots were fun, as was the cougar thingy. I imagine that that is what advanced robotic technology would ACTUALLY be like.
  • + The larger robots also looked prety impressive, and had some nice abilities.
  • + I loved the "mech hive" facility on one of Saturns moons (not sure which ONE, though).
  • + Soundwave hacking into that satellite was a nice touch, too.
  • + The Fallen's gravity warping was (in my opinion) the coolest example of Cybertronian technology in the entire movie.
  • + That, and Devastator (the sucky thing) in general.
  • ++ In fact, the effects were increadibly well-done overall.
on Jun 28, 2009

scoutdog - it almost seems like you were looking for things to hate and went in biased


who knows if starscream's thing was exactly like an emp?  who knows if the doctor bot didn't patch him up right after and if not, why show all the blood anyway? railgun - how do you know how heavy the shell was in comparison to the boat?


there were minor descrepencies I didn't like - where are the twins? why so many decepticons now?


it's transformers come though:), i don't know your age and your attatchment to transformers(i was never really attached), but I was just looking for explosions and i was happy

on Jun 28, 2009

I'm 15, and I used to have a few models when I was younger, but I never really got into it.

I decided to do my nitpicking and my critiqueing in the same post, and using the same "-" mark, but they are different. I don't mind nits, and they are not "things to hate": they're just there. Plus a lot of the negatives were less negative than the positives were positive, if you get what I am saying: for exaple, the parents MORE than compensated for the loose ends, the politics, AND the girl's deformed lips.

As for the railgun, I doubt that the mass would have TERRIBLY much of an effect: If it could destroy Devastator, it should more than exceed the structural limitations of the turret mount. (Then again, we never really SAW what happened to the turret after it fired, and we never got any more shots from the thing, so maybe it did fail catestrophically. This would actually make sense, as the capitain was EXTREMELY reluctant to fire it in the first place.)

on Jun 28, 2009

i understand, as for railgun, who knows, im not trying do the physics or conduct the armor strength or anything

on Jun 28, 2009

In any event, I suppose it doesn't matter: this wasn't exactly a hard science flick anyway....

on Jun 28, 2009

scoutdog - it almost seems like you were looking for things to hate and went in biased


who knows if starscream's thing was exactly like an emp?  who knows if the doctor bot didn't patch him up right after and if not, why show all the blood anyway? railgun - how do you know how heavy the shell was in comparison to the boat?


there were minor descrepencies I didn't like - where are the twins? why so many decepticons now?


it's transformers come though:), i don't know your age and your attatchment to transformers(i was never really attached), but I was just looking for explosions and i was happy

Don't be so hard on scoutdog. He has some good points.


As for scoutdog, remember the MST3K mantra: It's just a show, I should really just relax. You have good questions, and have pointed out several plot holes. It isn't the best thought out story but hey, Giant Robots!




on Jun 28, 2009

Don't be so hard on scoutdog. He has some good points.

I don't really think he was being particularly "hard" on me. I enjoy having people contest my nitpicks: keeps me on my toes.

on Jun 28, 2009

i put a smile in to make it seem nice

on Jun 28, 2009

I like the movie!

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