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loved it, well most of it. I saw a lot of poor reviews so I went in skeptical. In the end though, I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of funny parts, and cool stuff exploding. It got corny at times.

optimus prime is a badass.the only sad touching part was when he died at first, but i figured they bring him back

the story got cornyat the end. I hate that destiny bs, I don't believe it and it's ridiculous to me when movies bring it up. it's the only thing i hated about the movie

effects were great

THERE WAS A RAILGUN, and it rocked

i didn't get bored and being longer than 2 hours, that could of been very awful if it did start getting lame

the story was a bit jumbled at times, but it was kinda clear at end.


one question, what happened to the twins? they were messing the big thing up then they were gone


Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 30, 2009

i dont think you are right at the end there annatar - they grabbed the spark to save megatron. if they didnt need spark why would they save him then, they could of saved him a very lnog time ago

That is what I said, they ripped apart the Decepticon and used his spark and his parts to fix Megatron.

also, they used the key to bring optimus back, i think jetfire just killed himself

Well, he did hand Optimus his own spark too. The way the movie explained it, since Optimus was a Prime the key was the only thing that could bring him back.

on Jun 30, 2009

i dont think you are right at the end there annatar - they grabbed the spark to save megatron. if they didnt need spark why would they save him then, they could of saved him a very lnog time ago


also, they used the key to bring optimus back, i think jetfire just killed himself

um... thats not right, i think you are mixing terms which is why you are confused.

there are two shards. a larger one stolen by the Decepticons, and a smaller one, found by Sam after it fell out of the jumper he was wearing during the battle at the end of the first movie.

the larger shard, in conjunction with parts taken from another decepticon, including his spark (think of it like an energy source?) was used to revive Megatron.

The smaller shard imprinted a map to the Tomb of the Primes onto Sam's mind. After that, it was used to 'revive' Jetfire. The Decepticons wanted Sam for the map located in his mind.

The humans did use the key to bring Optimus back, but then Megatron showed up, and stole the key out of Optimus' chest. Ater that, he was very weak, so Jetfire, already old, and very damaged, told Optimus to take his (Jetfires) parts and spark to revive Optimus fully, and give him the edge he needed against Megatron and The Fallen.

Hoenstly, i dont know how you could have missed that... it was pretty straight forward

on Jun 30, 2009


Hoenstly, i dont know how you could have missed that... it was pretty straight forward

Dere woz robotz, an dey were punchin' each ovver.

on Jun 30, 2009

I think it is just pure nuts to go for sequels. However, if you were talking sequels of the LOTR, that would have been a totally different story. I mean, coudln't they think of a better idea than robots coming back from the dead?! An action movie like this one lack substance that the LOTR or any good sequel movies have. Sure the CGI and Megan Fox (looking hot as usual) have improved...they would be certainly be better off not doing another one

on Jun 30, 2009

I think it is just pure stupidty to go for sequels. However, if you were talking sequels of the LOTR, that would have been a totally different story. I mean, coudln't they think of a better idea than robots coming back from the dead?! An action movie like this one lack substance that the LOTR or any good sequel movies have. Sure the CGI and Megan Fox (looking hot as usual) have improved...they would be certainly be better off not doing another one. It is just dumb.

Its robots, kicking the fuck out of each other for 2hours.




What did you expect as far as storyline was concerned? Hamlet?

Furthermore, to quote: "Lord of the rings is just people walking, for 3 movies."

on Jun 30, 2009

Sure watching Robot beat the hell out of each other for two hours is, I admit, is kinda funny, but lets face it, you might as well watch 2 hours of WWII or Spike

Sure why not, Hamlet or better yet Macbeth.

Ya, i know LOTR is just people kinda horse back riding for 3 movies, at least it had some meaning, unlike beath the hell out of your enemies is the way to win a fight. yet strange as it might sound, works.

on Jun 30, 2009


i dont think you are right at the end there annatar - they grabbed the spark to save megatron. if they didnt need spark why would they save him then, they could of saved him a very lnog time ago
That is what I said, they ripped apart the Decepticon and used his spark and his parts to fix Megatron.

also, they used the key to bring optimus back, i think jetfire just killed himself
Well, he did hand Optimus his own spark too. The way the movie explained it, since Optimus was a Prime the key was the only thing that could bring him back.



I meant allspark. I'm trying to rethink this situation.


If they didn't need allspark to save Megatron, why wait so long? of course they may upset the autobots more if they got him, but still, he's there number one guy? And the doctor dude that fixed him asked for parts, so I think they used the allspark to revive him, because then what happened to it?


So if that's the case why wouldn't sam use his one optimus? i dont remember him even trying to bring it up. he used it on jetfire to revive* him.

if it can give life why not bring back to life? did optimus need more power so had to use key to come back to life because he was a prime? was megatron even dead when he was at bottom of ocean?


what if they didn't need alllspark, just a spark from a decepticon or other transformer? well like i said, why wait so long? they clearly could hide or leave and comeback and they had a bunch of decipticons elsewhere so who cares if they leave some on earth and then come back


i believe we have a lack of clear evidence either way, maybe i'll go again and take a closer look as to make sure we aren't missing anything cause i remeber jetfire ripping out his spark thing(blue thing), but i do not remember what they did with it, nor do i remember what happened to the guy under the water  when they killed him



ps - rezonator, then answer me why they waited so long to revive megatron if it's "straight forward"? it isn't - there's inconsistencies and shit that doesn't make sense everywhere. and optimus wasn't weak cause they took the key back, it was because the fallen nailed him, i'm pretty sure that was "straight forward"


on Jun 30, 2009

Sure watching Robot beat the hell out of each other for two hours is, I admit, is kinda funny, but lets face it, you might as well watch 2 hours of WWII or Spike

Sure why not, Hamlet or better yet Macbeth.

Ya, i know LOTR is just people kinda horse back riding for 3 movies, at least it had some meaning, unlike beath the hell out of your enemies is the way to win a fight. yet strange as it might sound, works.

Well generally. It is an effective way.

Also on topic I did love the way Optimus trash talked everyone he was fighting.

on Jun 30, 2009

did optimus need more power so had to use key to come back to life because he was a prime?


I will endeavor to explain this in some way that makes sense:

  • Megatron was overloaded by the Cube's (aka. Allspark's) power at the end of the last movie.
  • Two fragments of the Cube were recovered from his body: one that Sam kept in his pocket, and another that Optimus gave to the military for safekeeping.
  • The shard Sam had was forgotten, because quite honestly Sam is an idiot, and it stayed in his shirt until he found it.
  • When he did, it implanted the symbols in his head and activated a few low-power Decepticons from kitchen appliances, whic Bumblebee was quick to eradicate.
  • He then gave it to the creepy mechanic girl for safekeeping.
  • The RC car bot that has been keeping watch over Sam tracks the cube to Mistress Mikela's House Of Robot Bondage (sorry, but she DOES deserve it ), where he tries and fails to get ahold of it.
  • The Decepticons steal the other fragment in an elaborite heist that has been in motion since the last movie (soundwave's hacking into the satellite, the incident in China, and so on were to learn the location of the cube). Note that they had no idea there was an esier fragment in Sam's possession: the recon bot had no real chance to tell them.
  • Using BOTH the stolen cube shard and parts from a cannibalised... colleague, they revive Megatron at the bottom of the ocean.
  • He goes back to his friend out by Saturn, who tells him that the cube has bonded to Sam.
  • In short order, Megatron hunts down Sam and "extracts" the coordinates from his brain before the gang escapes.
  • Using info from the captured spy bot and S7's records, Sam tracks down Jetfire and uses his shard to get the bot's attention (not "revive" him so much as make him notice that this wasn't just another tourist).
  • Sam finds the Matrix and uses it to revive Optimus (it apparently takes a Matrix to revive a Prime).
  • The Fallen then steals the matrix and uses it to activate the sun device.
  • Here is the core of this matter: Jetrfire uses his parts to enhance Optimus. His parts, NOT his spark. I heard him say "parts" very clearly in the dialog. I suppose he removed the spark and killed himself to prevent Optimus from going all heroic and refusing the parts, or maybe because they COULDN'T be removed while he was alive. The point is, the spark-ripping was NOT necessary to revive or repair Optuimus.
  • I have several theories as to why Optimus needed the parts in the first place, but in the end I suppose it is moot:
  1. Although technically alive, Optimus was still damaged and needed new ones.
  2. Even at full power on his own, Optimus was still weaker than the Fallen, and needed more power from Jetfire to defeat him. (This is the most likely, as the Fallen is said to be "stronger than his brothers")
  3. It took both parts and "juice" to revive Megatron. Maybe it takes both parts and "juice" to fully revive any Transformer.

I know that this is all rather contrived, but you did ask for a way this could work....

on Jun 30, 2009

ps - rezonator, then answer me why they waited so long to revive megatron if it's "straight forward"? it isn't - there's inconsistencies and shit that doesn't make sense everywhere. and optimus wasn't weak cause they took the key back, it was because the fallen nailed him, i'm pretty sure that was "straight forward"

First, sorry, you are right, it was The Fallen not Megatron who took the key, my bad, do what i mean not what i say =P

Now, Optimus was weak because he had THIS MASSIVE BLOODY HOLE IN HIS CHEST! The key had enough time to revive him, but not repair him. And, to be honest, im not sure the key was even ABLE to repair him, conservation of mass and all that, without parts, it cant be fixed. Thats where Jetfire's Spark and parts came into it.

Third, and no one has mentioned this yet, the reason it took so long to revive Megatron is because:

1. The Decepticons didnt know where the humans had hidden/buried (whatever) Megatron, and

2. The Decepticons either didnt know there was a shard of the AllSpark still in existence, or they did know there was a shard, but didnt know where the humans were keeping it.

It was that DUMBASS Security Advisor, whoever he was, the guy that got pulled out of the plane when he pulled his 'chute too early. He was in the Autobot hangar with Optimus and Captain whats-his-name talking with some general somewhere (honestly, i was a bit drunk when i watched this movie, so i dont remember too many small details, but i do remember all the major plot points, which makes people who didnt look all the sillier). So they were talking with the General, and while the Security Advisor is spelling out what happened to Megatron and the Allspark shard after the end of the last movie, Soundwave, who has hacked into a satelite, picks up the transmission, and forwards the data onto the other Decepticons.

It is only THEN that they can and do revive Megatron

Any questions?

on Jun 30, 2009

man, theres sooo much to consider, that movie was long. alright so main point


they needed the key to bring optimus back to life because he's so damn awesome, that is correct, right?



on Jun 30, 2009

they needed the key to bring optimus back to life because he's so damn awesome, that is correct, right?

I imagine so. One could theorise that, considering that there are only 2 pieces of the Allspark left, the order of things was this:

Decepticons steal Shard 1 to revive Megatron.

Megatron kills Optimus.

Megatron and The Fallen start looking for The Key to power The Energon Harvester.

Rather than use Shard 2 to revive Optimus, it is used to awaken a very old Transformer, Jetfire, so he can translate the map and help the humans/Autobots find The Key, hopefully before Megatron and The Fallen.

The Key is retrieved and used to revive Optimus, in the hope that he can/will stop The Fallen.

The Key is removed from Optimus before it heals him fully (though we are not sure if thats even possible).

They Key is used by The Fallen to power The Energon Harvester.

Jetfire commits suicide so that Optimus can live. He gives Optimus his Spark (power source? Spirit?) and parts so Optimus can become powerful enough to beat The Fallen/Megatron/Starscream.

The Energon Harvester and The Key are destroyed by Optimus during the final battle.

Thats how I rationalised it anyway. Its not necessarily correct to what Michael Bay had in his mind at the time, but then, its very possible he didnt have anything in his mind at the time, so we are free to speculate

Remember, there is such a thing as poetic licence (If we hadnt gone the long way and used Shard 2 on Jetfire, he would never have been able to rock up and give Optimus his parts, and the Decepticons would have won), and, also, the fact that we, as viewers, often have more information about whats going on than any single or group of characters in any movie. While it may make sense to us that Sam use Shard 2 on Optimus in the first instance, from their perspective, it may have made more sense to do what they did.

Sometimes you have to let the little things go, like the horrible mutiny of Geography and Political Sciences (Jordan is not linked to Egypt by land you have to go through Israel, the US would have asked for Isreali support first, and maybe from Jordan second. They could also have asked for support from the Egyptians and Saudi Arabians).

Then again, there are some things you just need to go apeshit over (the annoying fucking parents, for example)

Hope i cleared everything up for you... though considering the length of the post... probably not =P

on Jun 30, 2009


Jetfire commits suicide so that Optimus can live. He gives Optimus his Spark (power source? Spirit?) and parts so Optimus can become powerful enough to beat The Fallen/Megatron/Starscream.


i'm guessing the blue thing was his power soource, not his spirt. otherwise all that stuff seems about right

on Jun 30, 2009

Quoting TheRezonator,
reply 22

Jetfire commits suicide so that Optimus can live. He gives Optimus his Spark (power source? Spirit?) and parts so Optimus can become powerful enough to beat The Fallen/Megatron/Starscream.


i'm guessing the blue thing was his power soource, not his spirt. otherwise all that stuff seems about right

the blue thing was his power source... i was saying like, in a human, the brain thinks and is logical etc, but the heart is where the spirit/soul is at? like a lifeforce... a human body doesnt quite have something comparable... idn, forget i said anything =P

on Jun 30, 2009


Quoting woca, reply 23

Quoting TheRezonator,
reply 22

Jetfire commits suicide so that Optimus can live. He gives Optimus his Spark (power source? Spirit?) and parts so Optimus can become powerful enough to beat The Fallen/Megatron/Starscream.


i'm guessing the blue thing was his power soource, not his spirt. otherwise all that stuff seems about right

the blue thing was his power source... i was saying like, in a human, the brain thinks and is logical etc, but the heart is where the spirit/soul is at? like a lifeforce... a human body doesnt quite have something comparable... idn, forget i said anything =P

i'm pretty sure the blue thing was his power source, not his soul/spirit

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