Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment
Published on April 19, 2009 By woca In Demigod

I like this game, I like Stardock, but I may quit soon if this *poo* doesn't get fixed. What *poo* you may wonder? When I play Regulus and I get an enemy down to 400 health, and I rightclick to attack them while they run away, my guy sits there and sucks his *hotdog*. *WTFudge* is this?


Simple as that. One kill early on could possibly change the entire fight, and when that *poo*  keeps happening why play? Why even try to attack them if they can run away and I can try and attack but nothing?



please Stardock/GPG, fix online, and then please can you fix that



sorry for language

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 19, 2009

Never had that happen to me, Weird bug though that a demigod game has some pornographic content in it.

on Apr 19, 2009

Never had that happen to me, Weird bug though that a demigod game has some pornographic content in it.

simply appalling

there are just too many cases where the demigod, no matter who, will just not pursue despite rightclicking to assault

on Apr 19, 2009

Yes, it actually does happen. I happened to me last night on UB several times. The Demigod will stand still or spin around in place. It's an issue that needs to be fixed, but as I'm used to microing anyways I don't let it affect me any more.


Still, I can easily see how it's annoying. No doubt it'll be fixed soon enough.

on Apr 19, 2009

Happens a lot to me.  Appears to happen the most near flags / towers / corners but sometimes just in the open too.  I also hate that if you use a skill that your target goes to the nearest and not the last target you had.  Really bad when you are trying to finish off a hero or even fight one thats no longer the closest target. 


nothing like your demigod choosing a new target :/

on Apr 19, 2009

When this happens you can usually get around it by issuing a move order; your Demigod will respond after that.  I've gotten into the habit of issuing the shortest possible move order every time I want to attack or use an ability.


I hope this is one of the first bugs they fix after the networking is under control -- it's pretty obnoxious in a game that relies so heavily on timing.

on Apr 19, 2009

Yes, it actually does happen. I happened to me last night on UB several times. The Demigod will stand still or spin around in place. It's an issue that needs to be fixed, but as I'm used to microing anyways I don't let it affect me any more.


Still, I can easily see how it's annoying. No doubt it'll be fixed soon enough.

I find it worse with regulus because i expect him to not start running, but instead  just shoot, but then he doesn't shoot or run

on Apr 19, 2009

happen to me as well, what i do for now is make sure to follow the target first then attack again after moving. But yeah the simple attack and aggressive move don't work well somehow.

on Apr 19, 2009

This happens fairly regularly. Especially around rounded corners on the map. I'm sure it will get fixed soon.

on Apr 19, 2009

At least I'm not the only one who had this very annoying problem. Hopefully it will be fix soon.

on Apr 19, 2009


on Apr 19, 2009

Happens to me several times a game. The demigod just gets stuck, and no not because someone froze me. If you play the game at all I dont see how you would not notice it.

on Apr 19, 2009

Happens to me all the time. Do a move command somewhere and then do the command you tried last. That fixes it every time. Just sucks to have to notice that happened and do that.

on Apr 19, 2009

I run into this ALOT. Specifically with the UBs Foul Grasp, Erebus' Bite and Sedna's Pounce. It's getting really frustrating, and it stops me from getting alot of kills. My demigod won't even use a standard attack while stuck, you have to move him before he'll attack or let you use abilities again. Someone with QoT also mentioned that she had to try to cast her shield three times before it would register.

on Apr 19, 2009

A move command before the command you try to do fixes it every time. Just gotta be quick with it.

on Apr 20, 2009

Lol, happened to me a few times playing TB, just when I gave the command to fireball a DG who's about to die, he does nothing and sits there.

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