Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment
Published on April 19, 2009 By woca In Demigod

I like this game, I like Stardock, but I may quit soon if this *poo* doesn't get fixed. What *poo* you may wonder? When I play Regulus and I get an enemy down to 400 health, and I rightclick to attack them while they run away, my guy sits there and sucks his *hotdog*. *WTFudge* is this?


Simple as that. One kill early on could possibly change the entire fight, and when that *poo*  keeps happening why play? Why even try to attack them if they can run away and I can try and attack but nothing?



please Stardock/GPG, fix online, and then please can you fix that



sorry for language

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 20, 2009

Yeah this bug has been knowing about forever.

with me now every time i use a click skill i give a move order to fix it before giving my next skill order or attack order.
It does sort of.. require more skill, i guess, fast clicks, but it's lame.


There is also an awful bug where you'll be clicking to retreat and your demigod suddenly turns around towards the enemy to try to attack that also gets people killed a lot.

on Apr 20, 2009

it really kills the game. its bad enough that i have to go into a random game usually because i usually dont have that many friends on or they are in game, but then this happens

on Apr 20, 2009

yep, happens to me on occasion too.  it's not so bad until you lose a kill.  then it's just....

on Apr 20, 2009

I think that the problem is in your scissor-hands

on Apr 20, 2009

Yep. Happens with me every game in UB. People who should be dead surviving. Not cool.

on Apr 20, 2009

This even happens in single-player, so it's not a lag issue.  About 10% of the time your guy will just ignore orders to use special attacks, even if the target is well within range.  Give the MMO style of combat with juggling specials, cooldowns and mana, this pretty much totally borks you because you THOUGHT you'd dotted the guy and you haven't.

This is made MORE amusing because often, the game will glitch with teleporting/whatever, and you'll be able to hit a target well OUTSIDE the attack's range if he ported right near the end of the warmup.

Attacks that don't have a target never display this issue (like turning into mist to avoid a giant hammer, time-critical but never fails).  I speculate it's related to the absolutely terrible pathfinding (oh no my minions got stuck on a corner and I had to micro them around it lol) and for some reason you guy is deciding he'd have to move first (maybe there's something in the way or whatever).  It is so random it can happen if the target is right next to you, stationary and stunned (especially if there are other god/mobs around).

on Apr 20, 2009

idk why it happens, but i wouldn't be schocked if pathfidning was the problem

on Apr 21, 2009

i cant vampire bite sometimes, i have to move then bite or else i just sit there and die.

on Apr 21, 2009

Good post. This has happened to me MANY times and I DEMAND a fix for it.  How can this be a game about skill and quick thinking that when you actually do it, it doesn't work b/c of some attack error?  Very frustrating. 


Great thread.  This is definitely a bug they need to fix.

on Apr 21, 2009

Good post. This has happened to me MANY times and I DEMAND a fix for it.  How can this be a game about skill and quick thinking that when you actually do it, it doesn't work b/c of some attack error?  Very frustrating. 


Great thread.  This is definitely a bug they need to fix.

  Hhaha well it actually adds more quick thinking, since you have to clickly move yoru cursor and click the ground to give a move order, then move back over your target to use the skill or attack.

  It's bad but, I don't mind it a ton since it gives me an edge on peoplee since I've learned to deal with it.   It should surely be fixed, but more things that require quick input need to be added that are intended for gameplay and not a bug that's annoying for people that dont' know how to deal with it.

on Apr 21, 2009

This bug has pissed me off horribly.

on Apr 21, 2009

This also happen to the generals and minions as well, in the general case it's really broken the game since all your minions stop following and start attacking nearby target instead leaving the lone generals to attack and get killed. And seriously the attack move ,or aggressive move or whatever you want to call it, IS TOTALLY BROKEN!!. In case of range demigod like regulus or TB, you move close to the point you assign attack move then attack, then move then attack, until you reach the point. With the melee demigods you just attack what in the line to the target point. This is TOTALLY BROKEN FOR GENERALS WITH MINIONS as well. With minion it just does random stuffs, sometimes just move to target no attacking at all, most of the time your general just move to target alone and minions start attacking nearby target.

For your information, I'm sure that i saw many people posting this since beta, can't believe it still exists. This really make my time with Generals really the worst frustrating experience ever in demigods. Seem like there're just too many things to fix for the game now, I should leave the game for half a year or so then comeback and play when it's completely done.

on Apr 21, 2009

Happens with all the dg.

on Apr 21, 2009

Victim of many lost kills (and a few deaths) here due to this bug, mostly with the UB.


As above posters have said, it's mostly on/around corners and rounded areas of the map and such, but has happened in random spots too.

on Apr 21, 2009

This happens all the time when I'm Erebus chasing down an enemy Very annoying, happens frequently.

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