Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment
Published on April 19, 2009 By woca In Demigod

I like this game, I like Stardock, but I may quit soon if this *poo* doesn't get fixed. What *poo* you may wonder? When I play Regulus and I get an enemy down to 400 health, and I rightclick to attack them while they run away, my guy sits there and sucks his *hotdog*. *WTFudge* is this?


Simple as that. One kill early on could possibly change the entire fight, and when that *poo*  keeps happening why play? Why even try to attack them if they can run away and I can try and attack but nothing?



please Stardock/GPG, fix online, and then please can you fix that



sorry for language

Comments (Page 5)
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on Apr 23, 2009

well we want them to know that this is another large issue

on Apr 24, 2009

Meanwhile we're waiting patiently, i'll enjoy the new Survival mode for L4D

on Apr 24, 2009

Until the connection issues are resolved we're left with the bug.


Relax, listen to this song, be happy.

As soon as I see some acknowledgement that the bug exists, I'll let it go.

on Apr 24, 2009

Honestly, I have yet to see anyone from Stardock or GPG even acknowledge that the bug exists. This leads me to believe one of two things;


1. Somehow they are just not seeing the countless threads being made about the bug that has existed ever since the game first hit beta (not a likely scenario).

2. They have been aware of the problem since before the first beta even hit but realized deep into the making of the game that it cannot be fixed so they see our threads/complaints but know they can do nothing about it and so ignore it and hope people just learn to live with it.

on Apr 24, 2009

I think their main concern right now is multiplayer connection problems. I think bug fixes will come next. So I believe they are maybe marking these down for future reference or just ignoring them all together and we will have to revisit these things once the more important things are ironed out.

on Apr 24, 2009

Maybe its so hard to track down because it doesnt happen consistantly. It only happens a few times each game but I agree, its one of the most annoying bugs ATM.

on Apr 26, 2009

good ol push up the threads for when weekend is over

on Apr 26, 2009

Is it just my feeling or it work a bit better now? The last update make my percentage of this happening decreases, but still exist. Although the attack move is still the same.

on Apr 26, 2009

Not much to add...  I play erebus and get this bug fairly regularly with bite, I've noticed it happen once with bat swarm too (got me killed).

It's not as bad as the problems with connecting to new games, but it's still cause for much rage as I'll typically be saving my bite for the last attack so my health will be pretty low, and it turns a kill into a death.

With this move thing, is there a hot key to force move? because some times I find it hard to snap him out of it when he's surrounded by creeps and minions and the rook.

on Apr 26, 2009

No it should be a priority WHILE working on connection issues.

The connection stuff is mostly stardock.. gpg has different people that code gameplay stuff that need to fix this right now.

on Apr 26, 2009

So where do we send bug reports to?  I know Stardock is a lot more active on the forums than most, but I can recall more than one bug in GalCiv2 that they simply weren't aware of because no one used their support system--even if the bug had been posted about several times in the forums.  I'll root around tomorrow and see if I can find the proper contact point for this stuff if no one else posts it here first (hell, it's probably stickied to the top of the forum).  Like I said, later.  Bed now.

And yes, I think GPG should be working HARD on this one while Stardock cleans up the netcode (networking, matchmaking, whatever you want to call it).

on Apr 26, 2009

They've knwn about this bug for 6 months and haven't fixed it..

on May 08, 2009

Good news!!              This will be fix this weekend in the patch according to frogboy


on May 09, 2009

Blitz, I tihnk thats referring to a situation where you are chasing someone and use bite or pounce, and your DG subsequently doesnt auto-attack. If you're fast you can alleviate this by clicking once on the enemy dg. I was under the impression the bigger problem was that you can't use an ability when you click on your target from time to time. This requires you to give a move order somewhere else, then try the ability again, which is significantly worse.

on May 09, 2009

Blitz, I tihnk thats referring to a situation where you are chasing someone and use bite or pounce, and your DG subsequently doesnt auto-attack. If you're fast you can alleviate this by clicking once on the enemy dg. I was under the impression the bigger problem was that you can't use an ability when you click on your target from time to time. This requires you to give a move order somewhere else, then try the ability again, which is significantly worse.


Yeah, nowhere does that post say that the patch will fix the command problem. Hell, as I've mentioned many times before, the devs/frogboy have even yet to acknowledge that the bug exists. It's almost like they are deliberately avoiding discussing it. That's not a good sign...

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