No thread for this was up so I guess I'll make it. I just learned a few weeks ago Neill Blomkamp's short Alive In Joburg has been expanded into a movie. The short can be found here.
If you want a surprise, watch the short and/or the District 9 trailer (here), second trailer here
Here is a site for it. It has more footage.
Ok, for those who have watched it, how excited are you? It comes out August 14. I loved the short, and was thrilled when he as chosen to direct the Halo movie: There was hope that it would not suck. Sadly (and fortuantely, films can ruin lots of things) the Halo film has been indefinitely paused/canceled. So when I heard this was being turned into a film I was excited. It looks great to me. It looks sci fi enough, and the idea is cool. A youtube put it well(surprise), basically saying how the politics of an alien invasion havn't been too explored.
It reminds me of Half-Life, (aliens are vortigaunts) but the humans don't like them in this case.
So, are you gonna see it? I want to go on midnight. I'm pumped for it