Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment
Published on June 23, 2009 By woca In Demigod

I find upgrading to priests rarely is a helpful move. I find they tend to be cannon fonder for the enemy unless babysat. The problem arrises due to the amount of gold they are worth.

Archers are worth 33 experience and 8 gold

Priest 50 experience and 33 gold

I understand the increase in experience, they are a bit harder to kill, but the increase in gold is enormous. But the gold is crazy. About 3(thanks for info transiitive, i forgot) come out each wave, greatly increasing the amount of gold an enemy kills for destroying that wave. I believe their health and damage are not indicative of their worth in gold. The priest upgrade is a bit counterintuitive because it rarely is a benefit to those who bought it, but instead an upgrade to the enemy. When it's almost a necessity to tell your allies not to purchase an upgrade before the enemy, i think there is a problem


I understand there was another thread about this, but the original post really seemed poor imo. I think frogboy even reffered to it, describing it as something that "discourages developers from reading through the forums."


So here is a new thread where I hope we can stay on topic (obscenitor and woca)

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 23, 2009

The number of enemy AOEs is probably the biggest factor - if they have a Torchbearer, a Regulus and a QoT then buying priests is just feeding them XP.

It's bad vs Oak too because he can get some big regen off killing the priests since they have much higher max hp than the minotaurs and archers.

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