Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment
Published on June 19, 2009 By woca In Everything Else

I figured it'd be easiest to make a survey

EDIT - i really would like to make a good game and need your input, if you could please tell me why you voted that way i'd be very pleases


Some basic info


Style - 2D Top down Action/Shooter/RPG, multiplayer

By that I mean you directly control your character via keyboard, and each class has many different abilities to complete it's objective(either kill the enemies or a certain goal, etc) By abilities I mean something like WoW abilities. One class is going to be focused on DPS, so it can shoot the enemy with various shots with different effects. Once class will have more AoE attacks. So most things are ranged attacks with various effects, then they also have other utility moves, but the focus is on combat.

So the action and shooter elements are clear. It becomes a bit of an RPG because I want to have various classes and items.

on Jun 19, 2009

i guess i'll partially bumnp

I voted for a giant tre, with items, not user generated stuff, graphics can only help, and that sound is needed. i also voted for the game to be free


i want to do a giant tree because i think it can be a lot of fun. then adding items would help.

user generated content would be hard, be it maps or items, and i might allow it if everyone required - maybe an update

i would like nice graphics but it seems that most don;t care too much

i want the game to be free because i think it will increase number of players

on Jun 19, 2009

i need your help


on Jun 19, 2009

Bumped -twice- within 3 hours? What the...

on Jun 19, 2009

1) A giant tree, as I like to mix and match parts of different classes. But I could deal with classes as long as they are diverse enough.

2) Yes, user generated content is good and would only help the community imo.

3) A multiplayer game w/bots so you would have a place to practice.

4) It should have a small cost. Increasing the community size by a small amount isn't worth a worse game imo.

5) A balanced release. Imbalances might set people off and make them give up on the game. You could always add content later.

6) As long as the gameplay is good graphics don't matter to me. I'll be too busy having fun to notice.

7) Sound effects are important. It helps to bring players into the game and forget about the controller/keyboard.

on Jun 19, 2009

Bumped -twice- within 3 hours? What the...

haha many edits to it sorry. what makes it worse was i ahd the other thread, then changed to survery, then bumped, then edited questions


(i do not count this as bump seeing as it's on bottom thingy)