why when i give karma is there spell check, but not in regular posts?
i'd have to be a vet. i been around da munkeh way too long.
I um...ahem...that banana looks um, perfectly ripe there...that is, if I knew anything about bananas...which I don't. But if I did, I'd say...its uh, scuze me for a second...
Who sez you know about de banana?
dis is de new s-t-r-e-t-c-h-a-b-l-e m1 dock from....errrr....doc.
I wouldn't answer your door if you hear a knock if i wuz you...
karma whore.
He's a karma whore?
Most of mine is for being a dick, and I've got more...
Oh sh!t! Either I just shot a UPS guy or m1 was disguised as an over ripe banana....btw m1 looked funny in brown shorts....they were white until I opened the door.
I know I should be ashamed.....but I'm not.
Over in WC land you only have 4. Now my chypering ain't the greatest but...
I believe whore is spelt hog
(kinda reminded me of RushHour 3)
lol, this thread is funny..