Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment

I can't tell what games are worth checking out due to the terrible popularity system. Who chose this? It's awful. A 3 star system? Based on popularity? There are no redeeming qualities there. You should really get a ranking based off reviews, be it users, metacritic, a certain company, anything else.

There are currently 6 games with a 3 as popularity.... I am not going to sift through the hundred crappy games to find the decent ones.

Unfortunately, I lost cash and didn't get to support a company I like because this awful system: i bought the witcher off steam.


On Steam, all I did was search rpg, show all, sort by rankings, and their it was on the front page. Steam made it nice. I don't dare use impulses popularity system because popularity rarely ranks things appropriately. new things tend to be higher, whether good or not, and if its popular its probably on front page so it doesn't even matter that it has a high popularity ranking.



EDIT - I just found this on Impulse's site


"Impulse allows users to quickly and easily find their favorite game or software and download it automatically to their PC."






what do you guys think should be added/fixed?


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 24, 2009

Well, now I'm a happy camper
And if you use the Impulse dock [it's free!] you can launch your games from there too (from new tabs if you want).

on Jun 24, 2009

AFAIK, the Impulse system tray thingy can launch games too. I don't use it for that, but last time I dug around it had your games list on it.

on Jun 24, 2009

I also enjoy a lot the metacritic info provided in STEAM.

I definetly suggest Impulse should implement and make better use of metacritic.

And Impulse has already some sort of 5 star rating for each individual user. Why not show an avarage from all the users that have rated it?

on Jun 24, 2009

Impulse came with Demigod, so for Demigod, Impulse is a part of that. Otherwise, use steam? they have every game + incredible deals. I bought assassin's creed for 10 bucks a couple months ago, come on..

on Jun 25, 2009

Impulse came with Demigod, so for Demigod, Impulse is a part of that. Otherwise, use steam? they have every game + incredible deals. I bought assassin's creed for 10 bucks a couple months ago, come on..

Because you use one, you can't use the other or what?

I use both.

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