Posts about the game I am creating in C#. I'm looking for help so please comment

Who do you think has the power to turn the tides? I like 2v2's cause turn arounds can happen with some teamwork and one kill. I haven't had too many occur, but if I were to guess I'd say Regulus and Rook can be the best at getting turn arounds.

Rook on account he can get towers posted at the spot where the push is occurring.

Regulus can use mines to do that. 2 sets of the 3 mines will kill almost any Demigod, best burst in game imo



In hindsight, any Demigod with very good burst damage too and a team that coordiante. Like I said, a quick kill can turn the entire game around in 2's or 3's. And if you can proceed to wipe team then you can make the push and even it out.

on Apr 19, 2009

Any Demigod can swing the match around imo. Its about portal capping with flag lock late game

on Apr 19, 2009

Rook can easily swing a Fortress mode map due to the ability to go up and tank the Fortress while pummeling it into the ground.

Regulus is good at swinging most maps.

A well played QoT can swing maps pretty well too, but so can any Demigod that is well played.

on Apr 19, 2009

how late game are you talking? and if you are gettign pushed on being able to cap a portal is very rare. I doubt most people wil b able to break through defenses and grab it, and even so, you ahve to have giants practically to make it worth something

on Apr 19, 2009

Depends on the Map as well.  In Exile, Erubus can bat swarm across voids to any flag he desires while the enemy is up front battling it out.  This creates a distractions causing them to withdraw a bit of force just to recap flags.  I promise you, in order to catch up to Erubus flag capturing with bat swarm, they are going to need 2 demigos recapting the flags.

on Apr 19, 2009

Regulus, any map, any time.

on Apr 19, 2009

I think a late game rook can be hard to beat back everyone know what i mean .

Rook can be dealt with easily at first but then when he levels up a fair bit and his health is over 7000 hes hard to beat back it really needs a tagteam to take him out

on Apr 19, 2009

If the game is in the end phase and you're on the wrong side of it, there's little Regs can do.  Mines doing 2k damage means nothing when even QoT is packing 5k+ hps from arties.  Rook really can make a huge difference, as can Oaky.  On the other hand, UB/Erebus combo rush, aka (Evade! Evade! Evade! Evade! Evade!) I've seen pull a bad game back from the brink especially in maps like Exile where both sides get Arty shops.

on Apr 19, 2009

If the game is in the end phase and you're on the wrong side of it, there's little Regs can do.  Mines doing 2k damage means nothing when even QoT is packing 5k+ hps from arties.  Rook really can make a huge difference, as can Oaky.  On the other hand, UB/Erebus combo rush, aka (Evade! Evade! Evade! Evade! Evade!) I've seen pull a bad game back from the brink especially in maps like Exile where both sides get Arty shops.

late game is hard for a most. i really meant those o-shit-we-are-on-crucible-and-they-have-been-taking-out-towers,-almost-in-base

on Apr 19, 2009

Yeah, if you're pinned back in your base, you're pretty much done for unless your opponents make a huge mistake and all get nailed at the same time.

on Apr 19, 2009

Erebus can build a pretty good army late game, and very quickly with a bat swarm. I've turned a game or two around that way.

on Apr 19, 2009

I think Rook is a good one for turning it around.  Focus on taking out their buildings and capping their portals.  This is especially effective on maps like Cataract.

on Apr 19, 2009

Imho, it would be oak. His infinite supply of spirits keep him dealing out good damage, the enemy distracted, while he heals with divine justice. The more croweded the combat, the better he gets. When the enemy is at the gate, Oak stands firm and sends them packing.

on Apr 19, 2009

I just played a really long game with my brother, I was Oak with Rook, and he was TB with the vampire guy.  I fought all the way to his citidel, but once everyone was fully pimped out, the vampire guy became invincible, it was not possible to kill him, Rook and I pounded and pounded, but he killed our citidel nearly singlehandedly while enduring the pounding. 

on Apr 20, 2009

Support QoT with shield is pretty good at it...especially when paired with Erebus/UB, makes them almost unkillable.